Trying something new is a wonderful way to celebrate yourself. You gain a new skill as well as a sense of accomplishment.
Is there something you’d like to learn, but you never found the time? Here are seven popular skills and tips on where to start your learning journey.
Photography / Videography
Did you know Apple Stores offer free photography and videography classes? Courses range from 30-minute lectures to 90-minute hands-on experiences. What if you don’t own an Apple device? No worries. The store will lend you an iPhone or iPad during the session.
Basic Technology Skills
Would you like to be more comfortable with the latest technology? Public libraries have free classes on topics such as Windows 10, YouTube basics and Google Drive.
Playing a Musical Instrument
Maybe you dreamed of playing the guitar, piano or flute. Today could be the day. Contact your local music store for more information. Most can assist with lessons and/or instrument rentals. Private lessons usually cost between $25 to $50 for 30 minutes. Although this seems pricey, many people make noticeable progress within a few sessions.
Sewing, Knitting or Crocheting
If you’d like to know how to knit a scarf or use a sewing machine, check in with your local sewing center or craft store. Many provide hands-on, project-based single classes or mini courses. Pricing varies from $30 to $100, and this usually doesn’t include supplies. Look for coupons, discounts and exclusive offers to bring the cost down.
A Second Language
Between the internet and apps, learning a second language is easier than ever before. Experts recommend practicing a little bit every day, so be prepared to make a commitment. Look around to find the best program for you. Rosetta Stone is a popular subscription service ranging from $7 to $14 per month. If you don’t want to pay, duolingo has both a free and premium service available.
Financial Literacy
Have you ever wished you could invest and manage your money with more confidence? This is not only possible, but also free. Search for any one of a variety of financial podcasts including Jill on Money, Ric Edelman’s The Truth About Money, The Dave Ramsey Show (debt reduction) and ChooseFI (financial independence). Even if you only listen for an hour or two each week, you’ll be surprised at the knowledge you gain.
Cooking classes may be either demos or hands-on, and they may cover either basics or advanced techniques. Look for opportunities at local restaurants, markets or culinary schools. Cooking classes tend to be more expensive with most experiences costing between $50 to $150. However, if you book with friends, the lesson can double as a fun night out.
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