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4 Ways to Stay Busy at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Are you stuck in your house because of the Coronavirus crisis? You know social isolation helps save lives, but you are so bored. Here’s four ways to stay busy at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.  


Tackle Something You’ve Been Meaning to Do  

You know what we’re talking about. Those projects! Sort out your closet. Organize your photographs. Clean the garage. Make those home repairs. Or, finish that woodworking/sewing/craft project you started ages ago. But… what if you suddenly realize you haven’t done this task because it’s too overwhelming? Start small by committing one to two hours each day. (Tell yourself no TV until you’ve put in your time.) Most likely, you’ll be surprised at the momentum you build after a week.  


Try Out a New Workout  

Have you been thinking about taking a boxing, karate, tai chi, yoga or Zumba class? Luckily, YouTube offers millions of workout videos. In fact, a lot of fitness stars host their own channels. Search around, experiment, and bookmark/subscribe to your favorites. And, don’t forget about gyms and studios in your own community too. Many fitness centers are beginning to stream their classes online. So, you could get into better shape AND support your local economy during this challenging time. Now, that’s a win/win situation for everyone.  


Reconnect with an Old Friend  

One of the most challenging parts of being trapped in your house is the feeling of isolation. What better time to catch up with an old friend? After all, they’re probably bored too. Plus, technology provides so many ways to connect. Call, text, email, video chat, or write an old-fashioned letter. To build your spirits further, make plans for an in-person get together once things get back to normal.   


Have a Night Out… In Your Own House  

If you can’t go out on the town, bring the city to your living room or kitchen. Lots of restaurants have switched over to take-out only with either curbside pick-up or home delivery. As a result, you can enjoy your favorite restaurant meal in the comfort of your own home. Top off dinner by catching a movie on your streaming service. You could even pop popcorn (or enjoy whatever snacks you can find laying around your house).  

Remaining at home for extended periods can be tough. But, remember your efforts are helping everyone. Stay positive and productive. We will get through this together!  


Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Left You Unemployed or Worried About Job Security?  

As one of the top job placement agencies in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northeastern Illinois, Halpin Services is here for you throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. We place general laborers, warehouse workers and skilled tradespeople as well as office and administrative staff. Companies will be looking for talented and motivated people both during and after this crisis. Start the online application process and discover you next opportunity today!   



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