Hiring on Personality: Finding a Good Fit for Your Team

One of the most important things to look at when hiring for an open position within your company is that of personality. As much as experience counts, you do not want someone on your staff who has a negative personality. This will cause a schism within the corporate culture and bring the entire office down with them due to bad attitude and poor outlook on life. In this post we will discuss how your company needs to find a good fit for the team using personality.

Define the Personality That Fits the Company

The first thing that needs to be done is the definition of which personality will fit the company or team the best. Your hiring team needs to come to an agreement on the traits and values that best match not only the job, but also the company as a whole. You also need to outline the qualities that a candidate needs in order to succeed at your company. If you cannot come to an agreement on these, it will be difficult to hire on personality.

Tailor the Application Process

The next step in hiring on personality includes tailoring the application process. Think of some things that are outside the box for the interview session so you can determine if the candidate fits the personality mold created by your hiring team. If the things you come up with are too gimmicky, then do not force the issue with them. Instead, come up with something else that can help you tailor the application process to personality.

Showcase Your Personality at the Interview

Make sure that you bring your personality to the interview so the candidate knows he or she can be personable and honest at the same time. You should talk to the candidate like he or she is already a colleague. This will create trust and will help them open up when answering questions that require them to reveal something about themselves.

Be Honest About Company Status

As an interviewer, you are the only link between the candidate and the company. You need to ne as honest about the company as possible. Explain to the candidate if the team is in the middle of a transition because the manager was promoted or left the company. This will help them make a decision regarding working for your company.


When you are interviewing for an open position at your company, you need to be as honest and personable as possible so you receive the same in return from candidates when looking to hire on personality. Contact the experienced recruiters at Halpin Personnel today to discuss your hiring process.

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