How successful was your business in 2019? Did you meet your goals? Or, do you need to realign for the new year? Before you begin planning for 2020, it’s essential to consider your past performance.
Revisit Your Goals
Start the new year by looking over your 2019 goals. If you didn’t write them down, make a list for both this year and for next. Having a hard copy of your goals keeps you focused and accountable. After all, twelve months later, it’s easy to forget what you set out to do.
Examine the Data
Next, you’ll need to check the facts. If your goals were amount or percentage-based, crunch the numbers to find out how well you performed. To make this step easier, be sure to set specific, measurable, and timely goals. For example, “Improve customer service” is too vague. Whereas, “Receive 500 five-star Facebook reviews within six months,” is much easier to assess.
Evaluate Your Results
With your goals and the data in hand, now you can give your organization a grade. Don’t aim for 100%, as this could mean your goals were too easy. See where you excelled, where you came close and where you missed the mark.
Identify Problems and Opportunities
If you missed a goal, ask yourself what went wrong. Was the goal too ambitious? Did you lose momentum? Or did something go wrong that was beyond your control? Understanding any issues will allow you to create and attain more realistic goals next year.
Similarly, examine the areas where you performed well. What factors led to your success? And how can you build on these achievements?
Look at the Bigger Picture
Keep in mind; goals should be aims or objectives rather than do or die events. Sometimes your business will perform extraordinarily well, and other times, things will not go as planned. Although so-called failures aren’t ideal, these missteps can be fantastic opportunities for learning and growth.
Is Improving Your Hiring Process One of Your 2020 Goals?
If your company is struggling to find reliable people, Halpin Staffing Services is here for you. We offer a wide range of services to help you streamline and solve your staffing challenges. Learn more about the advantages of partnering with Halpin today!