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How to Make Your Monday Better

It’s Monday morning, and you don’t want to get out of bed. Would you like to start your week on a more positive note? Here’s how to make your Monday better.

Tips to Make Your Monday Better

Don’t Overschedule Your Weekends

Running errands, completing projects, and non-stop socializing with family and friends can leave you exhausted and drained on Monday morning. Of course, you want your weekends to be fun and productive. Nevertheless, especially if your weekdays are jam-packed, you need time to rest and recharge. Sometimes, this is tricky. After all, often other people make plans for you. Therefore, try to set aside non-negotiable ME time every weekend. This could be a fun Friday (no work allowed), a stay-at-home Saturday or a soothing Sunday night routine.

Plan a Special Monday Treat

It’s a fact. The first day of the workweek gets a bad rap. However, with a little bit of creativity, you can start looking forward to Mondays. Think about launching a fun Monday traditional. You could order take-out for No-Cook Mondays, get together with friends for Monday Meetups or watch Monday Night Movies. If you prefer more variety, switch things up from one week to the next. Even something as simple as adding a special snack to your lunch will brighten your day.

Do Something Nice for Someone Else

This may seem counterintuitive. Yet, performing a random act of kindness usually benefits you as much as the person you’re helping. Why? Studies show giving reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, improves self-esteem and boosts happiness. Again, consider adding a charitable act to your regular routine, such as Volunteer Mondays. Or be spontaneous. If you’re suffering from the beginning-of-the-week blues, make it a point to reach out. Assist a co-worker with a project, buy someone coffee or donate to your favorite charity.

Re-evaluate Your Situation

If you’ve experimented with the strategies above and Mondays still are bringing you down, it may be time to re-evaluate. Why, exactly, do you hate Monday? Additionally, can you change (or at least improve) what’s bothering you? For example, let’s say you always start your week with a task you dread. This could be sorting emails, cleaning the breakroom or attending a weekly meeting. Ask yourself, “Is there any way to reduce the negative impact of this task?” What if you enlisted someone to help with emails, moved cleaning to Friday afternoons or switched meetings to once a month? On the other hand, if your WHOLE job is the problem, that’s probably a sign it’s time to look for something new. And remember, getting a new job is scary, but your long-term happiness depends on your willingness to make a change.

Do You Think a New Job Would Make Your Mondays Better?

Halpin Staffing Services is here for you! Our recruiters place light industrial workers, office staff and other professionals with top companies throughout Southeastern Wisconsin and Northeastern Illinois. Stop dreading Mondays because you hate your job. Search our available openings and discover a better-fit position today!



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