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Do You Know Your Interviewing Weaknesses?

Preparing for a job interview is one of the most important parts of a job search. No matter how many job interviews you have attended in the past, you need to prepare for each one because anything can happen that can throw you off your game plan. Recognizing the weaknesses you have in job interviews is also important so you can fix them prior to meeting with potential employers. One of the best ways to identify those weaknesses is by working with a recruiter.

Lack of Research

Even though this does not take place during the actual interview, it is something that can come back to bite you if not taken care of beforehand. You should always research the company you are interviewing with prior to the interview. You also should research the career of the person who will be interviewing you. At some point, you will be asked what you know about the company and you want to showcase what you have learned.

Difficulty Answering Questions

Job interviews, even though they shouldn’t be, are like an interrogation sometimes. You will be asked a slew of questions about your previous jobs and your career as a whole. You need to be able to provide excellent answers. Even if you have practiced your answers ahead of time, you must make sure they do not sound rehearsed. If you struggle with answering tough questions, then you should practice with a recruiter as much as possible prior to a job interview.

Inability to Relate Skills

One of the most important things you must do during a job interview is relate your skills to the open position. An interviewer wants to figure out what you have to offer the company as a person and as an employee. They want to learn about your skills and how they can transfer to the job for which you are applying. If you cannot effectively relay this message, then you need to work on this immediately so you can do it successfully at your next interview.

Too Fidgety

Let’s face it; job interviews are very stressful. People will shift their body and fidget during an interview because their nerves are wearing thin. But, you need to be able to keep these movements under control. Do not play with your hair or cross your arms or put your hands in your pockets. You can practice all of this with a recruiter during a mock interview session.

The experienced staffing professionals at Halpin Personnel can turn you into a successful job interviewee. Call our experienced staffing professionals today to schedule a meeting.




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