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5-Minute Meditations at Work for Your Most Stressful Days

Most of us have experienced one of THOSE days at work. Your stress level is through the roof, there’s no end in sight, and you can’t seem to calm yourself down. When this happenshave you considered meditation 

Maybe you think meditation is too timeconsuming, too difficult or just not for you? Well, think again. Did you know you can meditate in as little as five minutes? Plus, there are many types of relaxation practices, so you can pick the one that works best for you.  

Are you ready to give meditation a try? Here are three 5-minute practices you can do right at your desk. 

Breathing Meditation

This method uses traditional breath work to calm your mind and relax your body. 

    • Set a timer for five minutes. 
    • Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes or gaze downward. 
    • Take deep breaths down to the bottom of your lungs and exhale slowly. 
    • Try to focus only on your breathing 
    • When your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring your thoughts back to your breathing. 
    • If you can’t stay focused, try counting your breaths. Or, repeat a mantra such as, “I breathe in gentleness. I breathe out tension.” 

Chocolate Meditation

This meditation comes with a built-in reward. 

    • Start with a bite-size piece of chocolate or a handful of semi-sweet chips. bite-size piece of fruit or a handful of raisins works too. 
    • Set a timer for five minutes. 
    • Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths. 
    • Smell the chocolate, think about how delicious it looks and take a small bite. 
    • Concentrate fully on the taste and the flavors. 
    • As you swallow and take another bite, notice all the sensations you feel throughout your body. 
    • When your mind wanders (and it will), refocus on how you feel in the present moment. 
    • Eat slowly. If you finish the chocolate early, continue focusing on the tastes and sensations. 

Brain Dump Mediation

If don’t think you could possibly sit quietly for five minutes, here’s more active alternative.  

    • Take out a pen and a notebook. Or if you prefer, open a blank document on your computer 
    • Set a timer for five minutes. 
    • Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths. 
    • Write or type whatever comes into your mind. 
    • If you get stuck, remind yourself this activity has NO judgment. You can use sentences, words and even drawings.   
    • When the timer goes off, stop, blink and briefly reflect on what you see. 
    • Some people reorganize their brain dumps to find out where they are focusing their energy; others simply throw them away. The choice is yours  

Is Your Job Causing You More Stress Than It’s Worth?

If you are looking for a better work-life balance, shorter hours or more rewarding career, Halpin Staffing Services is here for you. We place office professionals, engineers and industrial workers throughout southeastern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois. Search our available openings and find a job that makes you happier today! 




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